Hello, I'm Rat!

I'm also just a lazy developer who hates CSS. But, I love making things and causing chaos. This website is under construction mostly. I don't publicly share most of my projects too which kinda makes things difficult.


About Me

Some people call me Michael. But I go by Rat online. I harass little children on Minecraft and make silly little projects that are never worth sharing. I play Minecraft too. There's really not much interesting about me.


Kabooma Duck

Kabooma Duck is a silly utility I made to nuke Discord servers easily and effectively. Everything is fully customizable and is configured via JSON. A version of this will be available at some point with a CLI for dummies who cant understand JSON.

Goofy silly

Internet Felons

A group of retarded idiots who barely ever do anything anymore. Anyways, we're a cool group of people who definitely do not doxx people. Who does that?

© RatWithAFace. All right reserved.